Treat spot allows you to grab coupons, discounts, and even free products. Please scroll down to discover the best deals. Grab them while they are available.
1-Sleep Well Tea:
Click “Apply To Try” and enjoy 20% off on Tipson’s Sleep Well Tea.
2-Snack Packs:
You can get a 15% off on Ellas Flat’s Snack Packs by clicking on “Apply To Try.”
3-Carefree Chocolate
Enjoy 25% off on Funcho’s Carefree Chocolate. Press “Apply to Try” to grab this deal.
4-Goodie Box
Want a Goodie box? Click on the “Yes Please” button, and you will receive a package of free samples and products.
5-Hand Balm
Keep your hands soft and smooth by grabbing this deal—20% off on Flexitol’s Hand Balm.
6-Moringa energy tea, grape vanilla
You can get 25% off Miracle Tree’s Moringa energy tea in grape vanilla flavour.
7-Hybrid Smartwatch
Grab a free Hybrid Smartwatch with amazing features by pressing the “yes, please” button.
8-Hubs Power Packs
Enjoy a 15% discount on Hubbard Peanut Company’s Hubs power packs which are great for reducing weight.
9-Before You Drink Gummies
Click on the “apply to try” button and enjoy 10% off on Toast’s Before You Drink Gummies
10-Free $5 Amazon Gift Card – Netflix & Hulu Subscribers!
If you are a Netflix and Hulu subscriber, click the “yes, please” button. Fill out a survey to get a Free $5 Amazon Gift Card!
11-Maddy’s sweet shop lime-key snaps
Grab 25% off on Maddy’s sweet shop lime-key snaps.
12-Pillsbury Samples
Sign up at Pillsbury and get exclusive coupons along with access to free samples of their hottest recipes and more!
13-Bee bar lotion & lip butter set
Get a 20% off Honey House Natural’s Bee bar lotion & lip butter set.
14- Night syrup
Get a 15% discount on Sambrosa’s Night syrup and enjoy a good sleep.